Hello! My name is Renee and I am Michelle's sister. She has graciously allowed me to post my CSA experiences on her blog. More about me later...
It is the night before my very first CSA pickup and let me tell you I am excited! This year I am participating in two CSAs Hidden Villa and Frog Hollow Farm's Happy Child CSA .
Tomorrow is Frog Hollow Farm.
"Frog Hollow Farm is a thriving 120-acre organic farm located in Brentwood, California on the Sacramento River Delta (just one hour from San Francisco). The farm produces 25 varieties of peaches, nectarines, cherries, apricots, pluots, plums, Asian and European pears, and table grapes."
I am hoping for this season's first peach.
Next Tuesday I will pick up our box from Hidden Villa.
"Hidden Villa is a nonprofit educational organization that uses its organic
farm, wilderness, and community to teach and provide opportunities to learn about the environment and social justice. Hidden Villa stretches over 1600
acres of open space in the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains, about 40 miles south of San Francisco. Our mission is to inspire a just and sustainable future through our programs, land and legacy."
Now, about me...
I am the mother of two young girls and a private chef. I have been working for the same family for almost 5 years and before that I worked in restaurants. I am participating in the Hidden Villa CSA with "the family" (my employers). So you will not only get to see what I prepare for my family but also what I prepare for the family at work. There will be stark differences I'm sure!
Thanks Michelle for giving me the opportunity to share my CSA adventures!
I can't wait to see what you come up with Renee!