July 7, 2009
Summer Squash
Head Lettuce
At work I've challenged myself to only use produce that is from the CSA or the garden. Each day is it's own mystery basket challenge. The garden is booming. Here is what's growing...
Zucchini (x3!)
Collard Greens
Dragon Langerie Beans
Oregano, Thyme, Chives, Texas Tarragon, Parsley
I start each day with a walk through the garden with my knife and basket. Most of the beans are becoming mature beans for drying. There are always atleast one or two zucchini to pick. The tomatoes are setting fruit and I can't wait for them to ripen. There are many tomato plants, 8 or so. I'm expecting to do some canning later this summer. It's exciting to see everything growing and to put out a meal that, for the most part, came from the backyard or 10 miles away. It's a good feeling.
Braised Lamb Shanks with Red Onion Jam
Dragon Langerie Beans Braised with Cream
Roasted Carrots
Grilled Hungarian Peppers stuffed with Cous Cous
Orzo with Pesto, Zucchini and Fresh Mozzarella
Collard Greens sauteed with Garlic, Bacon and Cider Vinegar
July 8th
Santa Rosa Plums
I was excited to see nectarines in our box this week. To tell the truth, nectarines are my favorite. We used to have roasted nectarines on the summer menu at L'amie Donia. I have fond memories of those days. At the end of service, tired and sweaty, I would go upstairs to the office where the cool evening California air had started to filter in through the windows. I'd find a nectarine to savor as I called in the next day's order. It was a moment of peace and relaxation and a hard earned treat at the end of a long night. I think of those nights often as I stand over my sink slicing a nectarine for myself.
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