June 24, 2009
Gold Dust Peaches
Goldensweet Apricots
Santa Rosa Plums
The excitement level was high when I returned with this week's box. There was clamoring for peaches and cherries. Sadly there were no cherries, but the peaches made up for it big time. It was a good thing we didn't have to share this box. After our photo shoot, we dove right into the peaches.I had been a bit concerned at how the crew would react if I told them they'd have to wait for peaches to be ready to eat. Young children just don't get that. Thankfully there was a handful a perfectly ripe peaches waiting to be eaten. We ate five in one sitting. By Friday they were gone. My poor husband didn't even get to taste one!
I blush when I think how they tasted and realize there is no PG way to really describe it. These peaches were beyond fantastic. Last week's peaches pale by comparison (and you know how I felt about last week's.) The flavor was sweet with out being cloying. They were juicy, the flesh was firm and the peel slipped off with the slightest tug. They gave off the most intoxicating perfume. Every time I came near I was met with an aroma that smelled like the perfect summer. I will be on the look out for Gold Dust Peaches from now on.
Not to be left out, the plums and apricots were enjoyed as well, but in jam form. After my youngest daughter was born I was given a jar of Sarabeth's Plum Cherry preserves. I highly recommend trying it if you have the chance. I thought I'd try making my own with the Santa Rosa Plums. I used a 1:1 ratio of plums to sugar and added dried tart Montmorency cherries. It was pleasantly tart with just the right amount of sweetness. It has become a favorite this week on toast for breakfast.
Can't wait to try the jam!